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Welcome to One Species, a brand that represents empowerment and unity. These collections will remind us all to have compassion for others! When you wear our pieces, you feel motivated to BE better!


Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

~Emma Lazarus



CHAP is the only non-profit in Oregon that gives free art programs to children and their families facing any medical challenges. Art being used as a medium of self expression is such a therapeutic and powerful tool for one's mental health! Prior to the pandemic, CHAP teaching artists facilitated over 50 hrs/week of healing art adventures for children in hospitals and medical centers throughout the city of Portland! However, our goal is to reach those levels again now in 2023.

 This organization introduces IT workshops to young girls from underrepresented communities. Black Girls CODE 's mission is to give girls of every color the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow! By promoting coding classes and programs, this nonprofit hopes to grow the number of women of color employed in STEM fields.  It is necessary to give access of these resources to African-American youth; considering this demographic only makes up 7.90% of employed in computing/mathematical fields.



Ashley Shewey



....A Chicagoan living in Portland who has a love for the arts & STEM subjects. I've worked in an evolutionary biology lab at DePaul University and at various animal hospitals. Due to my academic background, I've always liked the idea of combining science & fashion! It is my purpose to bring awareness, reminding ourselves in this world that "we're all one species".

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